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Sunday, March 7, 2010

One of my favorite ways to travel.

There were many times in my life that I rode the train. In the mid 90's I worked on the Royal Majesty Cruise ship on a 7 day cruise from Boston to Bermuda. A month after I began working on that ship we were chartered to be one of the ships whom accompanied RMS Titanic salvage of part of the hull of the titanic. I sat and had a beer with Buzz Aldren (First man to be farthest away from earth, on the moon in 1969 and deepest in the ocean in 1996). I had the opportunity to escort Lonny Anderson to the theater as well as meet one of the oldest Titanic survivors. I seen artifacts of the Titanic in our library. It was without a doubt, one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. When I left that ship, instead of flying home I decided to ride the train.
It was a four day and night trip from Boston to Grand Junction, CO. I went through 9 states. It was fantastic by day seeing things and places I've never seen. At night not much to see.
However, to this day my favorite train trip is the trip between Denver and Grand Junction, CO. A very historic route that takes you over the rocky mountains by rivers, meadows and through canyons. I so enjoyed sitting in the viewing car having a drink, chatting with other travelers from all over the world and enjoying the views. There are over 100 tunnels you go through that was mostly dug through the earth by hundreds of Chinese hands. One tunnel you go through, is over 7 minutes long. If you are interested in rail adventures in Colorado please visit this link http://www.tours.com/tours_vacations/colorado/train.htm
There are many wonderful trips by rail like Royal Gorge Route Railroad, Durango & Silverton Narrow Guage Railroad, Cripple Creek & Victor Narrow Gauge Railroad, Manitou & Pikes Peak Railway and many more.

How about you, have you had a train trip anywhere in the world you want to share? Let us know we want to hear from you.