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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How about close to home?

I live in Colorado, on the western slope. Let's see, there is Aspen, Aspen is less that 2 hours from where I live. Telluride is less than three hours from me. These are two meccas of the rich and famous. In the winter, there are skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, just all kinds of winter sports. In the summer these two places are some of the most beautiful mountains in the world. I am not a real winter sports guy so I go there mostly in the summer.

But what about other Colorado destinations? Where I live I have two incredible places to visit. One is the largest flat top mountain in the world, the Grand Mesa. It has over 200 lakes clear water lakes, many private and public resorts. Fishing is awesome in the summer and great snowmobiling in the winter. If you choose to plan a vacation to the Grand Mesa, be prepared, people do get lost in its vast wilderness. Fall colors are incredible. For information on the Grand Mesa visit: http://www.coloradodirectory.com/grandmesaarea

The other place to the south of me is the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. I recommend you visit this park in the summer. The beauty is hard to beat. Hiking the canyon is a big recreation, but getting to the bottom and fishing for a big O' German brown is unforgettable. Fall colors are also incredible. For more information on the Black Canyon of the Gunnison visit: http://www.nps.gov/blca/index.htm

I plan to give some more great Colorado destinations that can match anything in the world. I want to hear from you. What less known destinations in Colorado or your state that would be a great vacation? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What are your Ideas?

In the 90's, I had one of the most amazing opportunities anyone could have. I worked aboard pleasure cruise ships. Every day I awoke in a different place, either at sea or in another country.

I, of course, have done a little of my own research on travel, travel destinations, hotels, car rentals, travel by air, trains, busses, RV's, campers, etc..
WOW! What a jungle out there!

OK, here is the senario. The economy has been bad for me, really bad. However, now I am coming out of the hole and can, after 6 or 7 years, finally take a vacation. Now, how in the world do I plan one. Searching travel on a search engine gave me some 518,000,000 results. Where do I go, where do I start? Please join me on a journey to open our minds to ideas to have an incredible affordable vacation or a much needed get away.